SatireSatire is a literary term used to ridicule or make fun of human vice or weakness, often with the intent of correcting, or changing, the subject of the satiric attack. A example of satire would be some one speaking on talking proper English and the person who is talking about it is talking all in slang. In " The Impotence Of Proofreading" He spells basically everything wrong. The title and the way he spelled is the total opposite. He can't talk about proofreading if he can't even proof read his own work. It's being satirized because he's trusting the spell check and he's still spelling everything incorrect. New Eco Friendly Cigarettes is about new cigarettes being good for the environment. The cigarettes aren't healthy for humans. The acid used for the filter also harms the environment. It's being satirized because everything about this new cigarette is not eco friendly. I think this article is funny, They try to make the cigarettes good for the environment but it's still bad for both humans and the earth. "Advice To Youth" is suppose to be advice to children, but the advice is all wrong. The writer is giving bad advice. "If a person offend you, and you are in doubt as to whether it was intentional or not, do not resort to extreme measures; simply watch your chance and hit him with a brick." Your not suppose to tell a child to throw bricks at some one cautiously. This is being satirized because the title says "Advice To Youth" and the advice given isn't even advice. It's all poor behavior. The author is telling the children to be careful with lying because you can get caught. He doesn't tell them that lying isn't good. The author tells the children not to do something, but gives them another bad idea and says it's ok. The way this story is being satirized is that Mark Twain, is suppose to be giving young kids advice. He's giving them negative advice, it's funny. "Reading Satirical Articles Can Get You Tortured, Sent To Gitmo" is a article about a guy who gets tortured for reading a satirical article. It was a website on How To Build An H Bomb. The article was a joke. He got accused of trying to be a terrorist, but he didn't do anything but read a satirical article on a website. This article is being satirized because instead of going after the person who made the website their harassing a guy that read the paper.
Satire is basically sarcasm or a joke. A joke meaning it can make fun of something. In all stories I read there was satire. The Importance Of Proofreading had satire in it because the person who wrote it didn't proof read what they wrote. The satire in Eco Friendly Cigarettes is that the new cigarettes suppose to be good for the environment but aren't good for either humans or the earth. In Advice To Youth the author wrote advice to children that was negative, that's the satire in there. There article about Reading Satirical Articles Can Get You Tortured is satirized because it's making fun of the people who are accusing the person who read the how to make the bomb paper instead of the person who created the paper. All these articles had been satirized and it helped me understand what satire is.