

A metaphor is a comparison of two unlike things. Analogy, personification and simile are all metaphors. For example "she looks like a cow" is a simile. The girl doesn't actually look like a cow, just big like one. An example of personification is the chair screamed", the chair made noise when he sat down". Analogy Spicy to sweet. Bad to good. Spicy is like the bad behavior the attitude and sweet is like the calm, nice and loving.

In Robert Herrick's poem there are a few metaphors used." You are a tulip seen to day ". Since a tulip is beautiful, he's saying the girl is beautiful, just like a tulip during the day time." You are a lovely July-flower " meaning the flowers in July are fully pretty and grown." You are the queen all flowers among",the main girls out of all the pretty girls or the main attraction. What Robert Herrick did was compare the lady's beauty to flowers. He didn't have to say she was beautiful he used metaphors to describe her beauty.

In the poem Hunger theres a line " I looked in windows, for the wealth I could not hope to own ", This doesn't mean he/she looked in the window to find money its another way of saying they looked in a house of luxury that they couldn't live in or have. Precious words Beclouded the poem it says " He ate and drank the precious words." you cant literally drink and eat words so this is a way of saying he took in the good news or the compliments.

"The sky is low, the clouds are mean" is another way of saying the sky was dark like when its about to rain or snow. In the poem Im Nobody Who Are You "I'm nobody! Who are you? Are you nobody, too?" there many things that will come to mind reading this. This can be another way of saying there nobody famous like a president and actor/actress a celebrity. It can also be a person who has low self a steam who doesn't feel there as worthy as others. This is a way of expressing a feeling.

The poem l(a written by e e cummings is a very exotic poem but involves metaphors as well. A leaf falls he wrote. The way he wrote a leaf falls is where the metaphor comes in he not only separated the letters he wrote it in a way that the poem looks like a leaf falling. He also added the word one. So thats another way of showing that a leaf falls means lonely.

Metaphors are used everyday in everybody's life. Either its getting a compliment or describing your moods. Talking about others. Having a discussion and explaining best way u can so the person could understand. A metaphor that i would use for myself is " she has a heart of a lion." You wouldn't understand why i use this metaphor unless you know me. Im very outspoken and outgoing. Im mentally strong. I stand out just like a lion does in the jungle. I attack when its needed. Like a lion they attack when they need to eat. That's a few reasons why i used that metaphor.
© JodieGonalez2010